
Victim Support is an independent charity with over 40 years experience of supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales.

The Welsh Assembly Government have funded Victim Support to run the Wales Hate Support Centre. We deliver support and reporting services across Wales for victims and witnesses of Hate Crime. We have specially trained staff and volunteer supporters based all over Wales so that the support will always be local to you.

Get Support

Our help and support is free, independent and confidential and you don’t need to have reported anything to the police.

How we support you will be guided by you. We can help in the following ways:

Emotional Support

Our staff and volunteer supporters are trained to listen, give information and offer feedback. They can help you to make sense of what you’ve been through, discuss your options and help you to feel like you’re getting your life under control again. Talking with us gives you the chance to get things off your chest and let go of distressing experiences.

We can provide a safe, neutral place for you to voice your fears, worries and emotions. This helps a lot of people to cope and move forward after a crime.

“You’ve been incredibly helpful and given me great peace of mind that we don’t just have to put up with bad behaviour when it arises. That means a lot.” Victim of Homophobic Hate Crime

Practical Help

Being a victim of Hate crime can lead to all kinds of practical problems as well as the emotional and accumulative impact.

We can help with tasks like providing additional security for your home, advocating with the police and criminal justice agencies, working with housing partners to help with rehousing or additional help over the course of your trial.

We’ll give you the information you need to understand your options and next steps.

If you need help that we don’t think we can provide ourselves, we can contact other agencies for you to get the support you need.

“I have nothing but praise for VS. You helped me write my Victim Impact Statement and without it I don’t think the offender would have been convicted.” Victim of Disability Hate Crime

We’re here to help anyone affected by Hate crime, not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved. It doesn’t matter when or where the Hate crime took place, or if you have reported the crime to the police or not– you can get our support at any time.

You can call us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

What happens when you contact us?

When you call 0300 3031 982 you will speak to a member of the team who will listen to your reasons for calling and assess how we can help. If you have sent us an email then we will get back to you within 48 hours. If you require ongoing help, they will allocate your case to a specialist Hate crime caseworker in your local area.

Get Support

Our help and support is free, independent and confidential and you don’t need to have reported anything to the police.

Report hate crime to us

You can report Hate crime directly to our specially trained staff. It’s free, confidential and you can report online or via phone.