Transgender Identity

Transgender Identity based Hate Crimes, or sometimes known as Transphobic Hate Crimes, occur when someone is targeted for their Trans identity.

Trans is an umbrella term used for anyone who has a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth.

This can include people who do not identify with any gender, also known as non-binary.

Victims of Transgender Identity based Hate Crimes may face additional barriers after experiencing the incident such as:

Normalising Incidents

If incidents happen often then people may ‘normalise’ it and attribute it to an expected everyday experience.


Trans people may be concerned about being ‘outed’ by the police if they report transphobic hate crime.

Even if they are ‘out’ to family and friends, they may fear their identity being revealed to the wider community.

Some people may be fearful about the situation becoming worse if they decide to report.

Lack of Trust and Awareness in Services

Trans people may be worried about having to explain their gender identity to professionals.

They may be worried about their documents e.g. driving licence not matching their name and gender identity, worried about being misgendered, worried about being ‘deadnamed’ and professionals not using their correct pronouns.

People with non-binary or gender fluid identities may be uncomfortable about being asked their details especially if the organisation does not have adequate options for recording gender.

Trans people may be reluctant to report to the Police due to a history of tensions and prejudice.

Despite modern improvements in training and diversity, some Trans people may fear that they will not be taken seriously or will be seen as wasting police time.

Lack of awareness of what a Hate Crime is

Many people are unaware of what a Hate Crime is, and how the abuse, bullying, hostility or prejudice they have endured could be classed as a criminal offence.

If you are worried about reporting a Hate Crime you can talk to Victim Support first who can listen and talk to you about your options.

You can choose to remain anonymous and will not have to give any personal details if you do not feel comfortable.

Get Support

Our help and support is free, independent and confidential and you don’t need to have reported anything to the police.

Report hate crime to us

You can report Hate crime directly to our specially trained staff. It’s free, confidential and you can report online or via phone.